Houston Probation Violation Lawyer Andy Nolen |
Fighting a Motion to Revoke
Probation or a Motion to Adjudicate Guilt is a very critical situation requiring
a very good Houston Probation Violation Lawyer.
1. A Motion to Revoke Probation is what is submitted when you are on straight or normal probation.
2. A Motion to Adjudicate Guilt is what is submitted when you are on Deferred Adjudication.
3. These legal documents are prepared by the probation office and authorized by the judge. These motions list the conditions of your probation and the ways in which you violated them. Once authorized, a warrant issues for your criminal arrest. You may or may not have a bond established at this time. You may have to initially go thru the jail then appear in the courtroom to obtain a bond.
4. The objective is for you to appear before the judge so that he or she can make a determination to either, keep you on probation, alter your probation, or revoke your probation. If revoked, you are subject to being jailed.
5. Preferably, an plan with the prosecutor, probation officer and or judge can be reached by which you stay on probation. Otherwise, the judge may make you an offer. If you conclude that you do not like that offer, you can have a hearing and present evidence, witnesses, and arguments to the judge. Remember, your hearing is before the identical judge that made you an offer you didn’t want. Because of that dynamic, you should get ready evidence and witnesses that have not previously been offered to the judge in the effort to alter the judges viewpoint.
6. When your case started you had the right to a trial by jury and the evidence standard beyond a reasonable doubt. Now, your hearing is before the judge and the evidence standard is preponderance of evidence. Put another way, its much less difficult to be revoked than it is to be determined guilty at trial.
Houston Probation Violation Lawyer Andy Nolen has practiced law in Harris County and elsewhere in Texas for 20 years. He has battled for over 3000 individuals and had 100s of cases dismissed. Andy Nolen deals with Motions to Revoke Probation on a frequent basis and has with success kept many individuals from going to jail.
Bargaining with the court, preparing people to testify in court, putting together evidence and arguing your court case at a hearing are a few of the techniques Andy Nolen will use to help you. Attorney at law Andy Nolen can see your case via the internet and go over your unique situation. Call now for a no cost consultation at 832-480-8951.